Sorry for the lack of posting, between the holidays and trying to get a new HydraCAD update out the door, things have been a _bit_ busy.
So - Input Types. Why use them. A bunch of reasons. What do the mean - here you go:
When you right-click on the Input Type column you will see a list of choices. Simply put they mean Line, Main or Riser Nipple along with a designation specifying a Straight feed pipe or a Grid pipe. Others such as AOver, Drop, UG and Riser are self explanatory.
Does it take a long time to put these in? No. Remember that, like most data fields, if you hit enter on a fresh line, the value entered will copy down. Cut and Paste can also be used to speed things up.
1. Using the Input Types gets you the Graphical Pressure Display (GPD) after you calculate your job. A special feature of the GPD - K-Factor Analysis was discussed in an earlier post
2. The use of Input Types is REQUIRED if you plan to do a Velocity Pressure Calc.
3. It makes it easier to change things that are already entered. Say you have riser nipples and grid lines that are both 1.610 diameter. How do you change just the riser nipples to 2.067? Label them as RN-G (or RN-S depending on your situation) and use the Find tool and pick the Replace tab.
Type in 1.610 (or click on that diameter in the data input before selecting the Find tool). Type in 2.067 in the Replace field and pick the Options button.
Now select RN-G and pick Replace All. Voila!
4. Input types make it very easy to do a Node Diagram. I will discuss this topic in the near future
So - use Input Types! Feel free to ignore the Num Hds field.
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