For those of you still using digitizers (and it may only be one of you and you know who you are), you may have found that there are no default tablet commands with V45. We do, however, ship a separate tablet menu that you can transfer into the main HydraCAD menu so you can merrily pick your tablet commands:
1. Type in CUI and Enter. Wait
2. Pick the Transfer tab
3. On the right, pick Open where it now says New CUI File
4. Navigate to H40\Prog\Cad2007 and select the TABLET.CUI file and pick Open
5. On the Left pick the + next to Legacy
6. On the right pick the + next to Legacy and the + next to Tablet Menus and notice
there are four tablet menus. Select each one and drag it to the left
pane and let go on Tablet Menus there on the left.
7. Pick Apply and OK and they should work immediately