You wouldn't be the first (or last).
It helps to think of an armover as having three parts:
A. The 'Up' piece (riser nipple)
B. The Arm piece
C. The Drop piece
Item C - The Drop piece is already handled because Drops already go into a separate branch line section in HydraLIST named DROP. Just delete it if you don't want those listed.
Items A and B are easy to handle using an OVERRIDE. Inserting the 'Arm Over' override works differently depending on where it is inserted. If inserted on the head, then the Arm piece B will get listed in a branch line section named ARM1. If inserted on the riser nipple, then the Up piece will get listed in that same section named ARM1.
For both items - Choose the 'Arm Over' override from the Line Fitting - Elbow category. Then check the Insert Multiple Overrides option and pick Insert Fitting Override. For Item A, pick one of the riser nipples to set the filter and then pick a window around all of the riser nipples to tag. One Arm Over override will be placed at each riser nipple location. For Item B, pick one of the sprinkler heads to set the filter and then pick a window around all of the heads to tag. One Arm Over override will be placed at each sprinkler head that matches the head you picked. Repeat for each type of head.
Another way to do this even faster is to use Autoline to connect your armovers and add the Armover overrides at the same time. The placement rules mentioned in the previous paragraph apply.
Just delete the ARM1 section in HydraLIST to eliminate these from the stock list.