While I was training a customer in New Castle, PA last week a question came up that I thought had long been answered. By the mere fact it was asked showed how wrong I was. They had trouble shipping their drawings to their engineers because the engineers could not see our 1/2 and 1/4 symbols. The solution to this is easy, and there are a few ways to handle it.
1. Email them all of the HydraCAD fonts along with the drawing. What are our fonts? They are in your appropriate HydraCAD folder, ie: HES\HydraCAD\Ver50\Programs\Version53, \Version54, etc. They all have a file extension of .SHX. Send all of these along with the drawing. The engineers can either place these font files in their Program Files\AutoCAD (version)\Fonts folder or keep them in the same folder as the drawing, where they will be automatically found upon opening the drawing.
2. Use AutoCAD's ETRANSMIT function. This will create a package which contains the drawing and any fonts used by the drawing.
3. Use HydraCAD's Replace Fractions command (RF). This command will replace all of the fractions in your drawing with regular AutoCAD characters. This is only a one-way conversion, so save your drawing before you do this.
4. Log into your ShareFile account and download the Fonts.Zip file in the HydraCAD Data subfolder for downloading and sending to someone who needs them
This is the list of our text styles and their associated fonts:
Classic: HCAD.SHX
Hand Drawn: HCADH.SHX
Slashless: HCADCON.SHX
Arch/Single: ARCHAND1.SHX
Arch/Double: ARCHAND2.SHX
Arch/Triple: ARCHAND3.SHX