This one from Robert at Elite Fire who posed the question AND found the solution:
I have a problem with bloated scale lists when you plot which have ton of extra scales listed that look like
They seem to really bog down the
drawing when attaching XREFS or copy/pasting from another drawing.
From what I've read this looks like
an Autocad issue, but I cant seem to get my arms around the fix for it.
I've tried the scalelistedit
command, but it usually doesn't work. It comes up with "Unhandled exception
has occurred in a component in your application. Index was outside the bounds of the
A new Hydratec DWG does not have these problems, untill you attach XREFs or paste from a "infected ?" file.
The cure to my problems was to
utilize the (-scalelistedit) command (note the dash in front of the command)
select the reset option, and then the default scale list option.
This cures several problems from
slow loading xref files, slow copy/pasting, and the goofy scale lists when plotting.
Turns out my mechanical contractor
was sending me bad files, and once you paste from a bad file to a good file,
you carry over all of the problems.
Autodesk has some info on this, and
appears to be a problem with 2008.