The next new feature is Isolate or Hide Objects. A new property that has been added to each entity is its Visibility. You can Hide or Isolate Objects individually, or by selecting a bunch of them. Say you have an area of a drawing that is particularly crowded, and you want to be able to Hide some of it to make it easier to see. Select the area (or individual objects) to hide and right-click. Pick Isolate and then pick Hide Objects from the cursor menu that appears:
This will hide all the objects selected. You can also Isolate all these objects the same way.
However, you can imagine the mayhem if you Hide key elements of the drawing and ship it to the AHJ that way, and they keep turning layers on to to avail. Notice the light bulb in the extreme lower right-hand corner of your Status Bar. If it has a yellow bulb, there are no objects Hidden or Isolated. If it is red, then there are:
Pick End Object Isolation from here or the cursor menu to show these items.
You may also type in HIDE or UNHIDE to access these tools