This entry updates one I did a few years ago. The method for specifying whether HydraLIST should use the hole size or the fitting size has changed.
If you want to spec the fitting size, then just keep listing the 'usual way'. If you want the hole size then right-click in the Fitting column adjacent to the pipe you are working on. Pick Hole from the fitting class list and then pick the fitting type you want
To look at or alter the hole sizes, pick the Utilities pull down menu and pick the first item: Alter Popups. Then pick MTHole.dat and change that file to your liking. The outlet sizes are on the left and the hole sizes are on the right.
If you are auto-listing, then run the job through as usual and then use the HydraLIST Wizard (Utilities pull down) and change the fittings from what they are to what you want.