If you need to Repair or Reinstall AutoCAD, or if HydraCAD is not loading properly, then you will need to reconfigure AutoCAD to look at the HydraCAD settings. Fortunately, this is quite easy:
Windows 7:
1. Close AutoCAD/HydraCAD
2. Pick the Windows Start button
3. Pick All Programs
4. Pick Hydratec Version 50 Software
5. Pick Configure AutoCAD for HydraCAD V##, where ## is 55 or 56 or whatever your are using
6. Reopen HydraCAD and try it out
Windows 10:
1. Close AutoCAD/HydraCAD
2. Begin Typing Configure AutoCAD for HydraCAD V## (where ## is 55 or 56 or whatever your are using) into the Windows Search box. Run the program.
3. Reopen HydraCAD and try it out
That's it. You should be ready to roll