Sometimes, it seems like things take a big step back. This is a good example: try to search for text inside a file in Windows Explorer using Windows 7. It can't be done by default.
There are two ways, from Wikihow:
1. In Windows Explorer, Press Alt button --> go to Tools --> Folder options --> Search tab --> Here select, "Always search file names and content (this might take several minutes)".
2. Another way. Type "contents:" in the Windows Explorer search box followed by the word, searches text files. This is a search filter which seems to be undocumented (of course)
But it doesn't end there. Windows will not search within all files by default, just the ones it 'understands'. So, if it's not a .txt or .doc or .rtf or other Microsoft file, you will have to change things.
Here is my own problem. I need to search within a bunch of files (AutoCAD LISP files - .lsp) to find which ones contain a series of text letters. But by default, My Computer/Explorer does not look within .lsp files during a search.
Remember from above that to search for text within a file, you need to add the string 'contents:' followed by the word(s) you are searching for to the upper right edit field in Computer/Explorer. See the image below. In it I am searching for all files (or so I thought) containing the text '2011'.
The thing is that Windows 7 Explorer does not search within all file types by default. And .lsp files are one of those types. What needs to be done? You need to edit the Indexing for that file type so it is searched.
1.Go into Control Panel and Pick Indexing Options
2. Pick the Advanced button
3. Pick the File Types tab
4. Scan down to the file extension in question. In my case it is lsp. Select it and pick the Index Properties and File Contents option. Pick OK. It should work now.
Note - Notice that the initial dialog in Indexing Options shows a list of folders that are currently Indexed. This list is built as you use search. Windows may occasionally notify you that searches will go faster if you choose to Index a given folder. You can add folders by picking the Modify option and selecting them from the tree that appears.