After updating to V51.09 you may notice that your HydraCAD V51 shortcut opens AutoCAD 2010 or 2011 (if you have them). That is because our updates do not create or alter the shortcuts, only our installations do. To change it:
1. Right click on the HydraCAD V51 shortcut and pick Properties. Pick the Shortcut tab
2. Look at the Target field. The Target must call the same AutoCAD executable as the Target in the shortcut for AutoCAD 2012, also on your desktop. Change the 'AutoCAD 2010' or 'AutoCAD 2011' to 'AutoCAD 2012 - English' (or whatever your AutoCAD 2012 shortcut calls). Do not copy the entire Target line, only change the AutoCAD part
Your V51 shortcut should now open AutoCAD 2012.