Object Tracking/OTRACK - What is it? It is a way to insert or move things by hovering over other objects and 'silently' referencing their insertion points.
Let's say you want to insert a sprinkler into the lower left area of this room, and you want it aligned with the other two heads, to make a neat triangle:
1. Set an object snap to use, in this case, Insertion
2. Pick the OTRACK button on the AutoCAD Status Bar or press F11. If you have not previously set an object snap, then you will be asked to select one here
3. Pick the Insert Sprinkler button. Move your crosshairs over the sprinkler on the upper left until you see the Insertion glyph:
4. Move your corsshairs down a few feet to see the Object Tracking begin:
5. Now, drag your crosshairs over the sprinkler on the lower right. Again, until you see the Insertion glyph. The track will temporarily disappear:
6. Now, drag your crosshairs to the left a few feet. You will see both tracks come together to an intersection right where we want the head:
7. Pick this point and your head will be inserted right there: