HydraCAD V51.10 (and by extension, V52) added a new function - Generate RCP Heads to the Cleanup toolbar.
What does this do? From the OlderChanges.rtf document:
(N)New command added (Generate RCP Heads) to help with the plotting of pendent heads for a Reflected Ceiling Plan. This command will generate a copy of any sprinkler heads that the user selects. These copies go into a new RCP_HEADS layer that can be turned on while the traditional SPRNKS layer is turned off for plotting. This will only work on new drawings, due to changes required in the way sprinklers heads were defined
All of our sprinkler heads were redefined in that update. They were switched to be based in Layer 0. In the drawing, they are still in SPRNKS. This allowed us to change their properties after running this command, so as noted, it may not work properly on older drawing. Check it out!