So, you've drawn dashed/dotted/hidden lines in Model Space and they look just great. But, you go to Paper Space and they are all solid. What is going on?
The setvar PSLTSCALE is what is going on. It's default setting is 1, which means the linetype scale being applied is based on the scaling of the Viewport, not by the Model Space (or Paper Space) LTSCALE
From AutoCAD's Help file:
0 - No special linetype scaling. Linetype dash lengths are based on the drawing units of the space (model or paper) in which the objects were created. Scaled by the global LTSCALE factor.
1 - Viewport scaling governs linetype scaling. If TILEMODE is set to 0, dash lengths are based on paper space drawing units, even for objects in model space. In this mode, viewports can have varying magnifications, yet display linetypes identically. For a specific linetype, the dash lengths of a line in a viewport are the same as the dash lengths of a line in paper space. You can still control the dash lengths with LTSCALE