If you have found that some of the commands you used to use no longer have a button, you can add the button back in yourself in most cases, because we did not delete the command, only the button. And, it isn't that hard.
For example, let's say that you want to add back in the Line w/size and Main w/size buttons:
1. Type in CUI to open the Customize User Interface. I highly recommend that you read up on the documentation available on this feature in AutoCAD's Help file.
2. Pick the + next to Toolbars to expand that section
3. Pick the + next to Piping to expand the Piping toolbar
4. Pick the + next to Line to expand the Line flyout (where Line w/size used to be)
5. Now, go down to the Command List and find the Line w/size command. Hint: click on any command and press the letter 'L' to speed your way to the L commands. There will be a pause as you do this and the command is first found
6. Now, click on the Line w/size command and drag it up to the Line flyout. Drop it where you want it
7. That will add that command back in. Notice, however, that the icon is a ? in a cloud. That is because new button images have not been created for this command. If you want to assign an image, pick one from the list in the Button Image section of the CUI editor, or draw your own (showing an LS?) by using the Edit button in that section