HydraCAD and AutoCAD both have methods of creating typing shortcuts/aliases to commands. HydraCAD does not (usually) use the same key sequences as the AutoCAD does. I say usually, because sometimes AutoCAD adds new commands, and therefore new shortcuts, and we don't go back and change ours just to stay out of their way. HydraCADs aliases take precedence over AutoCADs because of the way both programs are loaded.
The AutoCAD aliases can be changed easily. Many people (including myself) change 'C' to be COPY instead of the default CIRCLE, for example.
The AutoCAD aliases are stored in the ACAD.PGP file in the \Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20##\UserDataCache\en-us\Support folder, where ## is the last two digits of the version of AutoCAD you are using. You can edit this file using a plain text editor, or by using the AutoCAD Express tool Command Alias Editor, which is far easier.
HydraCAD does not overwrite the ACAD.PGP file. Instead, the HydraCAD aliases are in a different file. HydraCADs aliases are stored in a file named HC_ALOAD.LSP, located in the \HES\HydraCAD\Ver50\Programs\Version## folder, where ## is the version of HydraCAD you are using. It can also be customized by using a text editor (like NOTEPAD), but you must be more careful when editing this file than with the ACAD.PGP.
Opening HC_ALOAD.LSP, you will see how we define aliases. We actually use LISP functions to create them.
Let's say you want to use the key sequence RT for an AutoCAD command. This will require two steps. You will need to add RT to the AutoCAD alias list (ACAD.PGP) and either remove it from the HydraCAD list (riskier), or rename the existing HydraCAD sequence to something else (easier).
Before you open the HC_ALOAD.LSP file, save a backup copy of it, in case something goes wrong.
Locate the RT alias in the HydraCAD list. Now, change RT to be RMT. Save the file
Open the ACAD.PGP file using the express tool mentioned above.
Scroll down to the Rs. Notice that RT is not being used. That is good.
Pick the Add button. Type in RT. In the AutoCAD Command filed, either type in ROTATE or scroll through the list of commands available.
Pick OK. Pick OK again. Close AutoCAD/HydraCAD and reopen. Your alias should work now.
PS - A complete list of HydraCAD aliases can be found by picking the List of HydraCAD Shortcuts command from the HydraCAD pulldown menu. You can edit this file to update this list to reflect your changes. Future updates will probably replace this file and the HC_ALOAD.LSP file, so make sure you have copies of your work to bring back if necessary.