Say you have a background drawing that has sprinkler heads already laid out, but they aren't HydraCAD sprinkler heads. What to do?
Zeroth - Do what you should always do with a background drawing. That is, start a New drawing using one of the HydraCAD templates, and then insert your drawing into it, exploded.
First - you can stop laughing, because some of these backgrounds have a good quality sprinkler layout, unlike years past.
Second - it helps to know if the sprinkler heads are blocks or circles. Or something else.
If 'something else', then their isn't much we can help with other than telling you to latch onto an Osnap that is useful with the existing heads and use the Insert Multiple Sprinklers command to copy a new head to that osnap on all the existing heads, one by one.
But, if it they are blocks or circles, then we can help.
Step 1: Define the new heads you will need using the usual method - Select Sprinkler
Step 2: Insert one of each new head type to a place on the drawing that will be easy to locate when the time comes.
Step 3: Use the Change Block command! It is found in HydraTools->Modify->Blocks->Change Blocks (or type CHB)
When that comes up,take a look at the dialog box. You can change blocks or circles using this tool:
For Blocks
Pick Select Existing and pick one of the existing heads. Then, pick Select New and grab one of the new heads you inserted.
For Circles
Pick Change Circle. Pick Select Existing and pick one of the existing heads. Then, pick Select New and grab one of the new heads you inserted.