As new products are released by manufacturers, we add them to files that can be imported into HydraLIST. Why don't we add them to the HydraLIST database directly? Two reasons:
- We don't want to overload the database with thousands and thousands of items that may not be used by most of our customer base
- Many customers customize their databases, so they do not use our updated databases anyways
So, we create Import files. These Import files are added to HydraLIST updates and installs at periodic intervals.
Here's how to use them with such a new file for Victaulic UMC valves, for example:
Step 0: Copying an Import file to your computer (not necessary if said file is already there due to an update)
If we send to such a file, put it in the relevant folder, or ask us for advice. For example, I sent a customer an Import file for Victaulic's UMC valves. I told them to put it here:
Note the folder structure. Put the file where it makes most sense to put it. It is not critical that you select a particular folder, but it helps to have it in the folder that makes the most sense.
Step 1: Entering the Database to Import the parts
Importing parts into HydraLIST is done using the General Data button in HydraLIST:
That opens up our database entry program.
Step 2: Importing the parts
Pick the Import Data button:
This brings up the folder structure referred to in Step 0. Go into the folder you expect to find the part file. In this example, I am selecting the 4-Valves_Accessories folder and then the example file: Vic_UMandUMC_4V32_20240122.txt
In this example, I am selecting the 4-Valves_Accessories folder and then the example file: Vic_UMandUMC_4V32_20240122.txt. Pick the Open file to bring that data in
The data screen will show all the parts contained within that file:
Step 3: Saving the imported data
You must save the added data or it will not be there when you search for it later. Pick the Save Spread Sheet button
Step 4: Pick the Project Data button to finish updating the new database. when asked if you want to create a backup of the database, we suggest you pick Yes
Step 5: Searching to ensure that the parts made it into the database
Switch to the Miscellaneous tab. Type in a few letters from at least one part description that you imported, into the Part Number Search field. In this example I typed in UMC. Pick the Find button right under that entry. All items containing that string should appear in the currently selected Section ID
Note: If you find there are parts we do not have, but you use frequently, or you are looking for new parts released by manufacturers, please contact us and we can get those to you.
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